As you might suspect, I have many stories to tell about my son Jimmy. However, I will limit it to only one of my favorites and one that made Dad (Jim Sr.) and I extremely proud. Forgive me if I don't remember all of the details perfectly... This happened in 1963/64. You were 13/14 and attending St. Andrew's Catholic School in Rochester. The assignment for the class was to create a science project of your choosing. You decided to construct a computer. Dad knew more than I about this new gadget that was growing so rapidly in the world. Prior to this assignment, Dad had taken the family to view the computer setup at Pontiac Motors where he was employed. The computers were so large that they filled the entire room! Perhaps this viewing had a bearing on your choice for a project. Your workspace was in the basement of our home on Gettysburg. It wasn't much space but it was safe from your brothers and sisters. As I recall it was in Dad's workshop. Here you spent many hours figuring out how and where all of the wires would connect. I never saw such a "jungle of wires". They seemed to go in every direction. But you definitely knew! I believe Dad built the box. As it happened, you won the opportunity to compete at the Science Fair in Detroit. What an honor it was for you as well as for St. Andrew's when you won the GRAND PRIZE! Dad and I were so proud and of course had bragging rights. Perhaps this assignment helped you in choosing your life-long career. You have seen so many changes in computers. It certainly didn't stop there. Somehow you pretty well kept up "with the times". I believe this story shows your ambition and determination amongst other attributes. There are many!!! I love you, Jimmy. You are a wonderful son. Mom (Louise Kaufeld)
